Wednesday, September 18, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 23

When I decided to embark in this 30 days of gratitude thing, I thought it would be easy to come up with 3 things I am grateful for daily. I also figured it would a be a good way to get into the habit of blogging. It was not as easy as I thought...there were definitely days I had to really just state the obvious things one should be grateful for but today I really DO feel sincerely grateful for the people in my life in general and for the little things they do that let me know they care. I am really lucky and blessed by so many great people in my life!

One of my favorite bosses and just one of my favorite people in general moved on to a new role and has moved out of the US. I will definitely miss interacting with him. He has such a great energy that not everyone appreciates or understands and he was far from perfect but a great fit for me during this time in my life. I've got a pretty stressful job and besides the day to day business stuff, there is a TON of politics and frankly...a TON of bullshit. I was lucky to have a boss I respected, trusted and who never let me down. It was just what I needed to weather the storm over the last 18 months. 

He gave me this key chain with "keep calm and carry on" logo on a British flag (He is British). A bit of an inside joke so a perfect parting gift:

I was sad to hug him goodbye. I am not normally a weepy person but I had a hard time fighting back the tears today. I was unchararistically speechless and not able to even say "goodbye" outloud so I just waved as I couldn't find the words to properly express how grateful I was to have him in my life during a very difficult time but I am pretty sure he knows how I feel :-)

Cue #2 awesome person in my life: my intern. I just love her! She is smart, thoughtful and has a pretty rad sense of humor as well. She wanted to cheer me up so she brought me this delicious cupcake: 

There were even more announcements today of people moving on so lots of changes! Change is good. 

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