Thursday, September 5, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 16

Today I am grateful for:
1.) Delicious and surprisingly fresh sushi right down the street from my house and right smack in the middle of the country. The closest ocean is thousands of miles away yet their sushi is somehow the most consistently fresh sushi I have ever had and this is coming from someone who loved 5 blocks from the Pacific Ocean for several years. This sushi restaurant shares a wall with a gas station so it has been nicknamed "gas station sushi" of course! Charming right? Not only is the sushi fresh and super yummy, it is a creative and they are constantly introducing new menu items. The owners  are so nice and they know the vast majority of the customers who walk thru the door. I love coming in and as soon as they see me, they get my regular order going. "You wanna go where everybody knows your name!"

2.) Very mild summer we have had this year. The weather has been awesome and I'm loving it!

3.) New possibilities...more to come on this ;-)

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