Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wow...Just wow...

This is how the shooter was dressed in Aurora, CO theater massacre. I thought the police chief said his vest was a ballistic tactical vest and he was in full body armour but this image is just showing a tactical vest. Not sure how an armed person or persons in the theater could have effectively taken him down by shooting him in a dark, loud, smokey, chaotic theater and not injured or killed innocent people in the process. They would have been better offer rushing him and tackling him to the ground. is the gear Anders Behring Breivik was wearing when he massacred 69 People in Norway.

 Also another sick, sick individual but someone please tell me why we haven't looked at all these incidents (Auorora, Columbine, Fort Hood, Virginia Tech Norway, Gabby Giffords, etc...) and studied them to learn how we can better identify people who have started to lose their minds? Why has nothing changed to make the public safer with the advancement of gun/ammo technology and with the widespread availability of military style equipment for civilians??

I'll tell you why in 5 words:

Power of the Gun Lobby

1 comment:

  1. das ist einfach zu erklaren mein freund. Europa ist ein heiliges christliches land wo dein Ur-ur-ur vater sein leben fur das land verloren hat (vielleicht). und jetzt kommen schwule behinderte agresssive muslime die europa zerstoren. Anders Behring hat es gut getan in norwegen und ich bin stolz auf ihn, ich hoffe es werde noch so viele menschen das tun was er gemacht hat.
