Friday, July 20, 2012

Time to move my soap box rants to a place where people can OPT - IN

It's an election year! I have been wanting to start some sort of blog or website for a long time but I couldn't think of a clever name for it so I have been continuing to drive all my FB friends and family nuts by using Facebook as a place to express my political and policy views. Given that I grew up in a very conservative part of the country, the majority of my FB friends are conservative. Each election year, I always joke that I'm projecting a 25% reduction in FB friends because I post so many political (and sometimes controversial) things.

I feel too passionately about so many issues and I just can't keep it to myself. I like it...I like to engage people...especially people who do not agree with me. I love being snarky with people who try to bait me on purpose and I really love hearing from people on the opposite side of policy issues. But...some people get so riled up or just don't want to see it in their newsfeeds so they delete me and I don't like it when that happens. I actually like and care about my friends...even the ones who feel differently than I do on energy, health care, gun control, etc... I know they are soooo much more than just their political and policy views. It's unfortunate really...we are so divided that we can't even have a coherent, rational conversation about policy differences most of the time. And even more people don't like to talk about politics at makes them uncomfortable and/or they consider it a social taboo. And others are just so jaded by the process and the corrupt players, they've completely disengaged and don't even vote.

I digress....

So...I've decided I will use this space to write about all things political. I'm giving my FB friends and family a break...and the ability to opt in to my soap box rants vs being forced to see them in their newsfeeds. I hope you will read it and I hope you will leave your comments and thoughts here (knowing that I will more than likely respond to what you write). I'm realistic that I probably won't change anyone's mind or change the political discourse in this country... or even have that many followers but at least I have a place to express myself AND won't lose as many FB friends this election cycle!

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