Thursday, August 22, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 2

Today I am grateful for:
1.) Getting a same day dental appointment due to a cancellation
2.) Excellent dental coverage thru my employer
3.) Very attentive to me and to detail, compassionate, caring and excellent staff at my new dentist

I have never been a big fan of going to the dentist. I have always liked my dentist but I just have always had a bit of anxiety about getting my teeth cleaned, cavities filled, etc... I have been avoiding the dentist for literally years now (blushing...but it is true). Today I finally made it a priority to call and get an appointment and luckily someone had just cancelled so they asked if I could come in right then...otherwise, it would have been a couple months. 

Once I got there, the staff was super friendly and welcoming. They took all the standard X-rays and I told them I was sure I would need a deep cleaning since of had been so long and they confirmed I would need to come back for a deep clean. My excellent dental insurance covers everything 100%.

I also told them I had been having a bit of a toothache for the last couple of years and figured it was a cavity. They took a close look at the X-ray and the dentist decided he wanted an oral surgeon to look at "sooner rather than later" and asked the assistant to set me an appointment. They were able to get me in early next week. I asked the assistant what it could be and she said it could potentially be a cyst..."either a good cyst or a bad cyst if you know what I mean?" I told her I didn't know what she meant and asked her what is a bad cyst and she said, "I don't want to alarm you and I am not the expert but a bad cyst could be cancer so he wants to oral surgeon to take a look and maybe do a biopsy."

Anyone who knows me knows I am somewhat of a hypochondriac...well maybe that is extreme but at a minimum, I tend to be gloom and doom when it comes to potential health issues. Internal monologue goes into full on freak out mode and I begin to think "OMG! Maybe it is cancer and maybe that is why  the universe enabled me to get an immediate appointment and maybe that is why the surgeon could see me right away!" I think I was remaining calm on the outside but I think I'm going to ask my momma to come with me to the appointment for moral support. I am sure and hopeful it is nothing and maybe I need a root canal or maybe even just to have the tooth pulled but at least it is being addressed quickly and I am so glad it seems that I landed in the right place and with the right people today! 

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