Friday, October 10, 2014

Gratitude: Day 11

Today, I am grateful for:

1.) My new chiropractor and acupuncturist...she really is awesome and I am so grateful to be in such good care with her. She will probably be on here a lot as I get thru this pinched nerve and bulging disc issue. 

2.) Hearing from a former customer / friend today! It had been a few months since we connected so was a pleasant surprise to hear from her and I am grateful for our new friendship!

3.) Less pain in my arm/shoulder/neck as the day went on. I woke up feeling like I had gotten worse but after a good adjustment, the doc said my neck was normal and healthy for the first time in 2 weeks! Then we did acupuncture which relieved a lot of the pain during the session and my body seems to respond so positively to the the day goes on, I feel better and better and even my attitude and mood improves. I'm really loving this ancient woo woo stuff!

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