Thursday, October 30, 2014

Gratitude: Day 12

Man! I am behind! Went on vaca for 10 days and have been busy dealing with this neck issue, work, etc...but back on track!

Today I am grateful for:
1.) Hearing from 2 of my very best friends who live far away but are both doing great and their happiness makes me happy :-)

2.) A relaxing and restful vacation! I went alone but was able to spend time with very good friends while away and it was great to have some downtime.

3.) My niece who calls me out of the blue just to chat. She is so happy and loving her new school and her happiness also makes me very happy!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Gratitude: Day 11

Today, I am grateful for:

1.) My new chiropractor and acupuncturist...she really is awesome and I am so grateful to be in such good care with her. She will probably be on here a lot as I get thru this pinched nerve and bulging disc issue. 

2.) Hearing from a former customer / friend today! It had been a few months since we connected so was a pleasant surprise to hear from her and I am grateful for our new friendship!

3.) Less pain in my arm/shoulder/neck as the day went on. I woke up feeling like I had gotten worse but after a good adjustment, the doc said my neck was normal and healthy for the first time in 2 weeks! Then we did acupuncture which relieved a lot of the pain during the session and my body seems to respond so positively to the the day goes on, I feel better and better and even my attitude and mood improves. I'm really loving this ancient woo woo stuff!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Gratitude: Day 10

Today, I am grateful for:

1.) My new bath recipe: lavender and chamomile Epsom salts, baking soda and lavender essential oil!

2.) Finding a good massage therapist here who can help me with my pinched nerve and bulging disc. She really knows what she is doing.

3.) Making the time to go grocery shopping and buying all healthy food to eat the rest of this week :-)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Gratitude: Day 9

Today, I am grateful for:

1.) Progress with my neck, arm and shoulder issue

2.) Finding a great chiropractor who has a plan for my recovery

3.) Discovering acupuncture 

Bonus: My super awesome health insurance which covers all these alternative therapies 100%!