Monday, March 21, 2011

What Matters Most Is How You See Yourself

This is one of my favorites! This particular poster has sentimental value to me. Many many years ago, I was a freshman in college and decided to try out for the Pom squad. Seemed like a good idea at the time...until I realized how quickly out of shape I became after not dancing for a year! The week of tryouts was really stressful. The majority of the pom squad members were returning and even though they had to go through the motions of trying out, there were really only 2 spots open for the 40+ women that showed up to compete for the team. I discovered very quickly that I was headed for my first big disappointment and probably the end of the my pom days. I called home early in the week to vent to my mom but she wasn't home. My dad answered the phone and he patiently listened to me cry and complain about my out-of-shape body and about how unfair the politics of the whole process was at the collegiate level. He offered words of encouragement the best he could but I was pretty down on myself and just not in the mood to be cheered up so we hung up the phone so I could go practice.

A day or so later, I got a card in the mail at the dorm with this picture on the front and a really nice note from my dad explaining how proud of me he was no matter what happened. He said to never let anyone (including myself) bring me down and he reminded me that no one else's opinion mattered more than my own. I immediately felt a thousand times better and beamed from ear-to-ear! I didn't make the team but my dad's words of encouragement, support and the image on the front of this card have stuck with me ever since. I still pull the card out from time to time when I need a lift. I Love You Dad and Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. Love this story! I agree and I need to remember this more!-Foxy
